Tuesday, December 30, 2008

bye kuwintas

i lost my cute and lovable and adorable and musang-looking cat yesterday. i cried. i saw him dead, with eyes opened and mouth ...uhm, i guess its improper to say it here.

but, its just so sad that, i havent maximized my time with him, but i knew i loved him. i'll never forget you kuwintas. we miss you.


"I've found the source of true happiness, prayer." - Mother Teresa

that quote inspires me to continue loving praying. i don't only become happy but i enjoy praying, i enjoy sharing my experiences, problems, everything. my joys and sorrows. with the one i love, God.   

I'm currently teaching my mom on how to play dance dance revolution. and i enjoy it. why? 'coz i asked Him for this!

till next time.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

to the adults.

for those, who were successful with their lives, but unsuccessful with their love lifes, don't think about us, ending up with a situation like yours. God writes different stories for us. do not feel bad if we fall in love. it's also our right. why can't you just accept us, and guide us so we won't end up having big problems later on. we don't need too much of your restrictions, what we actually need is your care and understanding. us teens today are undergoing pressures. pressures from everywhere. i hope we learn how to understand each other.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Oh, YESTERDAY! It was A FUN-FUN-FUN DAY!!! I'm very happpppy.

From 50 first dates

"Would you like to meet your daughter?"

hahaha. ;) cool. ;)

I'm just so happy.

Something occured today. Something I've been always dreaming of. I won't share it. I'd like it to be mine. ;) I won't forget this day. ;)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Can it really be measured?

Love, kindness, happiness, and other things which can only be felt but never seen. Usually, people around us ask us HOW MUCH we love them, but my question is, can those things really be measured? Is it like the air, that even though we cannot see it, we can feel it, and measure it? For me, there's only one thing that can measure those things, and I believe that it is only through God's eyes.

Good night!

An Excerpt From Nicholas Sparks' The Rescue

"Taylor, a dead hero, is still dead."

I love that line... ;) Nothing, just sharing!;)

It really is a nice book. A page-turner.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Unwanted pregnancies happen during wanted intercourses.

A simple thought.

Tomorrow, is the Family Day in our school. I'm not excited at all. Should I be happy? Why does it always have to happen? Why on a certain date? Why on a certain day? Is it a spell? Phew. I don't know what to do. I've been suffering for two years. 

I miss the spotlight.
I miss the stage.
I miss the people who come and watch me be brave.

....haay. frustrated poet

Normani. ;)

At last, I've had a cat which is a girl. Hehe. Well, actually, I don't own her. She was given to me by my friend (Angelica Guazon) because she cannot manage to take care of the kitten. Well, after sometime, I will have to return Normani to her. By the way, I'd like to share some of Normani's pictures.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Eva Fonda

"Virgin ka Joel?! Virgin ka?!"

haha. it just caught my attention.


tagos. :(


I love her new song, Circus.

Well, just like the others, the previous ones, Piece of Me and Womanizer.

She's always cool. 

Hahaha. IDOL. 

She's a one-hot-mama... hahahaha.

ang ganda talaga.


White Lies

I've told you this,

How sure are you it was true?

You've told me that,
How can I be sure it was true?

I keep telling this,
To avoid you from knowing it.

You keep telling me that,
You really know how to hurt my heart.

Do you think this made me happy?
Do you think the idea of me telling lies made me happy?

I hope that someday,
YOU will understand.

Why I act like this, and hate when you act like that.

By the way,

Here's the real CAT.

Sand Blast

What Ate Gretchen and I made earlier..


Guess who?

Wow, a picture of my girls, and, OOPS, who is that??? Hmm. LOL. 


What a day. ;)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

NEWS. unbreaking.


caught my attention. ugh.

CANCER. I'm just glad it didn't take my mom.

I'm blessed.

Just pondering...

What will people look like 30 years after? I'm talking about their clothes. Will it still continue to evolve? 

6 minutes before 1am

Good Morning! Wow, it's becoming my habit. Sleeping as early as 6pm, and waking up at midnight to do my homeworks. (wow?)

Well, what's for today??? I'm about to do my modules in C.L.E.

So..... Bye!

I'm currently missing you..

When I was young, I was fond of watching the Nick Jr. television show, Dora the Explorer. And the character which makes me very curious is Swiper the Fox.

I've always thought about making a law which allows burglars to steal, regarded that they won't kill . But, if the person finds the stolen item, the burglar should return it.

Well, I actually do not know where that came from, maybe from my ambition of becoming the future president of our country, but, who knows.

When I have been older, I realized that, that kind or law, wouldn't be appropriate for the real world. But, haay, if only it can. I guess it would be a better place.



You don't always have to be honest, well, at least, for yourself, but keep it to yourself. 

Hmm,not everything you do, will be done to you also.

Keep that in mind.

you're actually alone. ALONE.

Hmm? icons.

-credits to iconator.com

I have a disorder. AWW

I have, a LAD.

L - laughing
A - alot
D - disorder!!!


Just got home.  Hehe, tired tired tired. 

Thought for the day:
Lea, maybe, you should, learn how to take care of your heart, ok???

adik si Mrs. Agraviador.... wah.

eh bakit ako affected?

nako! hindi tama ito!!! alisin sa utak! bakit ang bilis mong maglakad???


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I'm acknowledging for looking through this site. 

16 days before YOUR birthday!

Time flies fast. REALLY fast. VERY fast. Imagine, it's only 16 days before Christmas? I can still remember days wherein I hear the news reminding us that Christmas is 100+ days from now. But now, look, it's very near. ;)

So, it's time for evaluation. EHEM.

Have I ever thanked God for those days, which passed very fast, that, I'm still here?
Well, actually, I believe that, I am not someone who, God will choose to save, I'm not someone whom He'll be in favor of. But, I think, maybe, what I give isn't my best, but at least, I tried. 

Well, maybe that's all for today? :p

I'm too jolly.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Ate Jea;)

advanced happy birthday Ate Jea!!!;) you're stillmybebi.


Awooo... Kwago? Hehe. Hindi ako makatulog.

This is what I'm currently doing...

....hehe, nikakausap si ajecm sa phone 2:46 a.m.

Wawa baby oh.

hehe. wawa siya... :p

Bye Marky.

Marky Cielo

I know, showbiz, is a world of fake people. But what I've seen, throughout your career, and from what I've heard, I believe that you are someone who has a good heart. 

Your family, co-actors&actresses, fans, friends will truly miss you.

I've been idolizing you ever since we had a first glance at you in the television screen. Even if we didn't have a close conversation, I knew, deep inside, that you were a good person.

Hope you'll be happy wherever you are right now.

Thanks for being a role model for the youth. 

Pacquiao's Victory

People's champ is also, Pinoys' victories.

Congrats PACMAN. You truly are a hero. 

You're somehow unfair... Do you know that?

It's almost been a year, since I tried to encourage you to make an account on "that site". But you refused to. Now, you told me to create an account on "this site" . And so I did. Now you're telling me that you knew that site throuh an old friend, and you, immediately made one. 

Question for myself:
Are you really stupid LEA?!
Am I supposed to be jealous? 
Do I even have the right to be one?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

It's been a year, plus another.

Today, is my boyfriend and I's 2nd anniversary. Well, our love story is somehow usual, but, I'm happy that we're still together. I miss him. Hope he's fine.

The 1st post. ;) EVER? ever. ;p

Good mornyt! LOL. It's 3:26 in the morning and maybe, your wondering why I'm still awake. Well, it's because, we are about to go to our province later. Well, today will be a tough day for me. I guess? LOL. Well, I have just packed up. I've been around the site for quite a while.

I was checking out my plurk earlier too, so, if you have one, kindly search for me. We can have a great conversation. ;) take care. ;)

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