Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year.

It's new year. January. From the Greek God Janus, with the face in front and at the back,  meaning, looking back, to be a better one today. From the Homily I've heard this new year.

2009 to OO 9

OO = yes
to lucky 9

From Fr. Glenn Paul Gomez, SVD

Alot of lessons, alot of new things to learn.
I'm about to turn 15.
Still I'm not growing.
Happy, I'm very happy with my life today.
I thank God for everything.

I have few resolutions...for 2009

To have more power to convince myself to do the right things.
Avoid sinning.
Keep smiling.
Continue praying.
Read more.
Be more interested in studying. 
Lose a little weight.
that's all.


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