Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yesterday, I asked ate Gretchen to cook the hot dogs for it'll expire today. ^^

I am just so grateful that God is still providing me and my loved ones our needs for everyday life.

I'm currently trying to finish the book entitled, A Bend In The Road by Nicholas Sparks.
I really love the way he describes each scene. Keep it up!

Of course, as usual, I had a conversation with someone who has all my time.

And, yesterday, I guess, I really have to believe, that I have to disagree to my belief,
"Kung gusto mo talaga, GAGAWIN MO."

Well, it'll just end there.

Last Monday, I went to Francis Magalona's wake at Christ the King Chapel, Greenmeadows with my bestfriend.

I pray that he is alright up there.I know he is up there. He is a good person.

I've played Grand Chase for several times, but, I usually enjoy it when I'm playing with someone. ^^

I miss my sister!!!^^

GtG! Have to remove my computer's password so mama may access it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3-3-09 (divisible date. ^^)

For me to be able to pass my C.A.E.(Communication Arts in English) subject, I am required to pass one original Haiku, and Tanka. (google it.)

Here's my testing on HAIKU ^^

I won't be surprised
If one day I will wake up
Alone 'cause of you.

I don't know where that came from. ^^ But I just made it up.

What a day. It was a very tiring, sleepy and usual day.

goodness gracious.

I was assigned to lead the opening prayer during our flag ceremony!
I was so embarrassed 'caused in the middle of the prayer I forgot the line.... and so I stopped and I guess that everyone noticed it. ^^

But I guess it's normal, everybody commits mistakes.

Another one, every flag ceremony in our school, the principal announces the best class for the month, and so we won! We had been awarded best class for four times, and the prize is, a cash and a holiday for your class wherein you can celebrate your class farewell party!!! ^^

Thank You Lord!

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